Updated UCD Receivables Aging Detail Report

Report Description and Use Case

This is an updated version of the existing UCD Receivables Aging Detail Report.

In addition to the information available from the original report, the new version will include the following changes:

  1. Rename report header name to UCD Receivables Aging Detail Report
  2. Rename Natural Account prompt to Account
  3. Reorder prompts
    1. Fund before Financial Department
    2. Transaction Number before Transaction Type
  4. Remove Aging Bucket Method - since no longer a prompt from header
  5. Rename Header fields
    1. Entity (COA) to Entity
    2. Fund (COA) to Fund
    3. Department (DFF) to Financial Department
    4. Natural Account (COA) to Account
  6. Rename column fields in output
    1. Trx/Receipt Num to Trx/Receipt Number
    2. Fin to Financial
    3. Program Description in duplicate over what should be Project Description
  7. Remove column fields in output
    1. Inter Entity, Inter Entity Description, Future 1, Future 1 Description, Future 2, and Future 2 Description
  8. Reorder column fields in output
    1. Bill Site Code and Bill To Address after Site Number
    2. Receipt Method Name after Trx Class
  9. Add new column fields in output - samples of output expected below
    1. Transaction Type after Bill To Address
    2. Source after Transaction Type
  10. Add new PPM fields in output at the end and after Activity Description - as seen on the existing UCD Payables Report
    1. PPM Project
    2. Project Expenditure Org
    3. Project Expenditure Type
    4. Project Task
    5. Project Award
    6. Project Funding Source


Report Status
In Development
Report Type
Project Portfolio Management
Release Date / Last Updated