Supply Chain

Aggie Enterprise Supply Chain is home to all procurement, payable and order fulfillment functions.

The Supply Chain Aggie Enterprise module is comprised of three key areas: Procurement, Payables and Supply Chain Logistics. 

  • Procurement provides self-service Requisitioning, including catalog and non-catalog purchase requests, Purchase Orders, Purchase Agreements and Supplier Management.    
  • Payables provides PO and non-PO invoice processing, disbursements, payments, and tax processing.    
  • Supply Chain Logistics supports item, catalog and warehouse management for the AggieSupply stores (Scientific Store, Chemistry Store, MRO Store) as well as internal order fulfillment. 
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Related Resources

Supply Chain Resources and Training

How-To Videos   |   Job Aids for Procurement    |   Other Job Aids     |   Self-Paced Training   |   Additional Resources  

How-To Videos

More How-To Videos


Job Aids - Procurement

To open the Knowledge Base in a separate tab, right click on the How-To links below, and select "Open link in new tab."

Job Aids - Receiving, Accounts Payable, and Supplier Management

To open the Knowledge Base in a separate tab, right click on the How-To links below, and select "Open link in new tab".

Self-Paced Training Series - Supply Chain

Self-paced courses (eLearning) are hosted in the UC Learning Center. Clicking on the course will redirect you to the UC Learning Center.

NOTE: Classroom training (2.5 hours) on Aggie Enterprise Purchasing is also available for enrollment through the UC Learning Center.  New classes are available for enrollment for February and March 2025.
For a view of recommended courses by Job Role (JR), click here.

Intro to Purchasing
Course 1 - Introduction to Purchasing in Aggie Enterprise

Get started with purchasing in Aggie Enterprise. Learn to navigate the procurement module, set up your Requisition preferences, catalogs and roles and workflows involved in completing a requisition.

Approx. 25 min


Catalog Purchasing
Course 2 - Catalog Purchasing in Aggie Enterprise

Learn about the two different types of catalogs available in Aggie Enterprise (Hosted and Punchout) and when to use each.

Approx. 30 min


Non Catalog Purchasing
Course 3 - Non-Catalog Purchasing in Aggie Enterprise

Learn when to use Non-Catalog Requisitions and how to properly enter them in Aggie Enterprise.

Approx. 30 min


Supply Chain 100.4 - Requisition and Purchase Order Amendments Course Thumbnail
Course 4 - Requisition and Purchase Order Amendments

Explore the different types of purchasing amendments in Aggie Enterprise and when one needs to be processed.

Approx. 25 min

Supply Chain 100.5 Requisition and Invoice Approvers Course Thumbnail
Course 5 - Requisition and Invoice Approvers

Every Requisition at UC Davis requires at least one approval. In this course, you’ll learn about 4 types of approvals, and how to approve and reject Requisitions in Aggie Enterprise. 

Approx. 20 min



Additional Resources

Supply Chain Management Glossary Terms used in the Aggie Enterprise Supply Chain module
Known Issues Identified Issues in Aggie Enterprise and Available Options
Customizing the Aggie Enterprise Home PageKB ArticleThis instruction guide provides an overview of how to customize the Aggie Enterprise springboard, so you can see just what you want to see when logged in!