Reports Home Page

Meeting our Reporting Needs

Aggie Enterprise, supported by Oracle Cloud Financials, includes a robust catalog of built-in and configurable reports. For reporting needs that cannot be addressed by Oracle, UC Davis leverages Cognos reports, including a custom General Ledger Interface Detail Entries (GLIDE) reporting tool.

Reports are available to users who have the appropriate roles provisioned.

New Report Requests

To request new reports, submit an Aggie Enterprise Help form. Requests are evaluated and priorities are recommended by the Aggie Enterprise Reporting Workgroup.

Check the status of reports in development.

Cognos Reports Access

Access to currently available Cognos reports is automatically provisioned to users that have at least one of the following roles in Aggie Enterprise:
- UCD Projects Cost Inquiry JR
- UCD General Ledger Inquiry JR

For those not auto-provisioned:
- Please reach out to your department's CAO or fiscal office to determine which reports you should be provisioned.
- Submit access request via email to your Security Liaison(s) and copy (cc) your CAO or fiscal officer.
Note that the Security Team will only process requests submitted by designated Security Liaisons. 

Aggie Expense Reports

Cognos offers reports to view AggieExpense, Procurement, and Travel Card transactions, as well as those made through the Preferred Booking Program (PBP). The following reports are available:
1. AEE-318 AggieExpense Department Approvers Report
2. AEE-416 AggieExpense Detail Report
3. AEE-417 AggieExpense Outstanding Cash Advances
4. AEE-418 AggieExpense Unreconciled Card Expenses Report
5. AEE-419 AggieExpense Report Lookup
6. AEE-421 AggieExpense Unreconciled Direct Billings Report
7. AEE-425 AggieExpense Spend Report
Access is automatically provisioned to users that have at least one of the following roles in Aggie Enterprise:
- UCD Projects Cost Inquiry JR
- UCD General Ledger Inquiry JR

For those not auto-provisioned
- Please reach out to your department's CAO or fiscal office to determine which reports you should be provisioned.
- Submit access request via email to your Security Liaison(s); cc your CAO or fiscal officer.
Note that the Security Team will only process requests submitted by designated Security Liaisons. 

See Supply Chain's Cognos Reports: Viewing AggieExpense, Card, Preferred Booking Program Expenses for more information. 

About the Aggie Enterprise Reporting Workgroup

The Aggie Enterprise Reporting Workgroup is a cross-functional team with representation from the Davis campus, Schools of Health, and UC ANR. The workgroup guides decisions related to the prioritization, design and implementation of Aggie Enterprise Reports.  For details, including a list of active members, refer to the workgroup's charter. Membership is determined by the Assistant Vice Chancellor and Controller.