
Aggie Enterprise data will be available through a variety of reporting tools.

Meeting our Reporting Needs

Aggie Enterprise is supported by Oracle Cloud Financials, which includes a robust catalog of built in and configurable reports. While Oracle functionality will meet many of our reporting needs, extensive analysis has been completed to identify gaps.

For reporting needs that cannot be addressed by Oracle, UC Davis will leverage Cognos reports, including a custom General Ledger Interface Detail Entries (GLIDE) reporting tool.

The reports listed below are all currently available to users who have the appropriate roles provisioned. Recently-launched reports are indicated below with an asterisk (*).  Additional information is added to this page as Aggie Enterprise reports are built, tested and put into production. 

Requests for new reports are evaluated and priorities are recommended by the AE Reporting Workgroup, which has wide representation from the Davis campus, Schools of Health and ANR.  See New Report Requests to check status of reports that are in development.


Latest Reports

Report NameDescriptionAudienceFrequencyNavigationLink to KB
UCD PPM Department Kickout Project BalancesDepartments must periodically review their Department Kickout (DKO) projects and transfer these costs. This report helps units identify their current DKO balances so they can take appropriate action.Campus FacingOn DemandFinancial Reporting Center
UCD GL Balance Summary ReportSimilar to UCD GL and Sub-ledger Reconciliation Report moving accounts from default Parents in balancing with the General Ledger Summary Report (i.e. 775xxx from Revenue to Expense, etc...).Campus FacingOn DemandFinancial Reporting Center 
UCD Transaction Listing Report - GL and Subledger Detail The report will provide users with Summary Chart of Account balances and information for sub-ledger and General Ledger journal entries Detail. Works toward an FISDS-1 Replacement.Campus FacingOn DemandFinancial Reporting Center 


Oracle Reports - Campus Facing


Report NameDescriptionAudienceFrequencyNavigationLink to KB
Asset NotificationAsset Representatives need to be notified of their moveable asset transactions including additions, adjustments, retirements, transfers, and any updates to the descriptive details, including descriptive flex fields.  In Oracle FA an email notification will be sent at the end of each day to the Asset Representative of any transactions processed on their assets.  This will enable the Asset Representative to review the asset transactions processed by the Central Equipment Management team.Campus FacingScheduledN/A
Account Monitor/Account Inquiry Tool

View General Ledger balances and drill through to journal entry and sub-ledger details. Create and save customizing searches

This is similar to some functions on the DS-1. You can find chart string balances for a given period. It is also similar to the DS-48; you can see balances by period for a specific natural account  It is also similar to the DS256; you can see year-over-year comparisons.

Campus FacingOn DemandGeneral Accounting>GA Dashboard
Customer Billing History Report

This report is required to track all customer data billing history transactions for analysis purpose

This report replaces today’s Decision Support report FIS408.

Campus FacingOn DemandTools>Reports and Analytics>
Receivables Departmental Billing Adjustment Approval ReportThe report pulls in all billing transactions in the Oracle Receivables Cloud system that requires approval by the department. The requirements are needed for the various departments to have the ability to isolate their specific departmental adjustments for approval.Campus FacingOn DemandTools>Reports and Analytics>
Department Billing ReportThe report pulls in all unaccounted transactions in the Oracle Receivables Cloud system. This report is required to track the status of all incomplete invoices in order to clear out any transactions at month-end.Campus FacingOn DemandTools>Reports and Analytics>
Department P&L

Monitor department financial position and perform financial analysis. Summary of operations at a point in time with beginning balance, revenue, expenditures, and ending balance. Can be run for multiple parent or posting-level financial departments

This is similar to some functions on the DS-1 and the DS-210.

Campus FacingOn DemandFinancial Reporting Center
Equipment Activity Report

The Fixed Asset Equipment Activity report is to enable the UCD Central Accounting Office as well as campus department users to ensure that movable assets are properly recorded and transacted in Oracle Fixed Assets.  The report is comprised of two tabs, both a summary and detailed report.  The user can customize the report for their needs by selecting report parameters such as custodial code and fiscal period from and to.

This report replaces today’s Decision Support reports 283, 370, and 371.

Campus FacingOn DemandFinancial Reporting Center
Equipment Inventory Listing

The Equipment Inventory Listing is regularly utilized by both UC Davis Central Office and campus departments to monitor the accuracy and completeness of the university’s moveable equipment inventory and ensure the University meets physical inventory and sponsor requirements.

This report replaces today’s Decision Support report 375 and 379.

Campus Facing

On Demand


Financial Reporting Center


General Ledger Summary Report

Monitor department financial position and perform financial analysis. Summary of operations at a point in time by fund source with beginning balance, revenue, expenditures, and ending balance. Can only be run for a single parent or posting-level financial department

This is similar to some functions on the DS-1 and DS-55, as well as the Aggie Budget Sources & Uses report.

Campus FacingOn DemandFinancial Reporting Center
NIFA Reporting – GLThis report is necessary to create a location where Projects and Grants users can easily review necessary project and award information and ensure that award creation meets standards. This will help central users look for inconsistency in the award data – to confirm quality of creation / maintenance of awards applications to generate a mandatory Sponsor Annual Report.  Campus FacingOn DemandTools>Reports and Analytics>
Seeded Aging Multi-Fund Accounting Report – CGA and CAMPUSReceivables Aging Report is an on-demand report. The report pulls in all open (current and overdue) transactions system. This report is required for to track aging of transactions for analysis purpose.Campus FacingOn DemandTools> Scheduled Process>
UCD Transaction Listing Report

Monitor the accuracy and completeness of GL postings, review financial transactions, and perform financial analysis. Provides details of journal entries by period, journal source, journal category and COA attributes; also provides commitments, obligations, and actual balances.

This is similar to the DS-2, DS54, DS-17 Object Transaction Detail reports. Note that it contains summarized transactions from subledgers; you may need to go to the subledger directly to see individual transactions.

Campus FacingOn DemandFinancial Reporting Center


UCD GL Balance Summary Report*Similar to UCD GL and Sub-ledger Reconciliation Report moving accounts from default Parents in balancing with the General Ledger Summary Report (i.e. 775xxx from Revenue to Expense, etc...).Campus FacingOn DemandFinancial Reporting Center 
UCD Transaction Listing Report - GL and Subledger Detail*The report will provide users with Summary Chart of Account balances and information for sub-ledger and General Ledger journal entries Detail. Works toward an FISDS-1 Replacement.Campus FacingOn DemandFinancial Reporting Center 

Project Portfolio Management
Report NameDescriptionAudienceFrequencyNavigationLink to KB
NIFA Reporting - PPMThe NIFA report is for use by the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences applications to generate a mandatory Sponsor Annual Report.   Campus FacingOn DemandAggie Enterprise> Tools>Reports and Analytics>
PGM Master Data ReportReport to review PPM award information to ensure all award data has been capturedCampus FacingOn DemandAggie Enterprise> Tools>Reports and Analytics
UCD Faculty and Department Portfolio Report

Report showing all PPM activity for an individual Faculty (PI), and individual Project Manager or a project-owning organization (Financial Department). 

Similar to the DS 325-PI Ledger Review.

Campus FacingOn Demand and ScheduledAggie Enterprise> Tools>Reports and Analytics
UCD PPM Cost Transfer Report

Research detailed costs on PPM projects and tasks and export transaction listing to Excel

This tool is similar to the DS-2 Transaction listing report, but will only return results for costs on PPM Projects.

Campus Facing


On Demand


Aggie Enterprise> Tools>Reports and Analytics

Scroll to section “View Detailed Costs for a PPM Project.”

UCD FTCR Quarterly ReportThis Federal Cash Transaction report will provide the necessary information for completing the Federal Quarterly Reports. Federal Report requires Quarterly activity in addition to Cumulative to Date detail.

Campus Facing


On Demand


Aggie Enterprise> Tools>Reports and Analytics 
UCD PPM Department Kickout Project Balances*Departments must periodically review their Department Kickout (DKO) projects and transfer these costs. This report helps units identify their current DKO balances so they can take appropriate action.Campus FacingOn DemandFinancial Reporting Center

Supply Chain
Report NameDescriptionAudienceFrequencyNavigationLink to KB
UCD Comprehensive Spend ReportThe Comprehensive Spend Report will provide the data required to analyze category spend, Small Business First and 5402 Reporting compliance and spend by time period.Campus FacingOn DemandAggie Enterprise> Tools >Reports and Analytics
UCD PO Aging ReportThe Purchase Order Aging Report is required to track the aging of Purchase Orders.Campus FacingOn DemandAggie Enterprise> Tools >Reports and Analytics
UCD Requisition & PO Activity ReportThe Requisition and PO Activity Report will allow UCD to perform analysis based on document milestones, and review status updates.Campus FacingOn DemandAggie Enterprise> Tools >Reports and Analytics

Cognos Reports
Cognos is a tool designed to help provide reports on various systems data. See below for more information Cognos reports and access.

  • Aggie Enterprise Cognos Reports
  • Two Cognos reports are available to support Aggie Enterprise reporting needs at go live. 

    AE Chart of Accounts (CoA) Segment Report

    This report displays the value set and hierarchy for the Chart of Accounts for easy viewing by the business user. This report displays the parent/child relationship between values in each CoA segment. Similar to the DS10, DS11, DS37 and DS50.

    More Information available in the Introduction to Data and Reporting Tools demo (beginning at 5:45 mark)

    AE GLIDE Report

    GLIDE stands for General Ledger Interface Detail Entries report. This report assists financial system users with GL reconciliation processes, the GL Journal service will be enhanced to capture boundary system journal details and store the data for use in a Cognos report. This report contains detailed records of the transactions that are being sent from boundary applications through the GLIDE framework to Oracle. Review the Understanding the GLIDE Report Knowledge Base Article. Similar to the DS2 and DS212.

    More information available in the GLIDE Reporting Demo.

    More information about Concur data missing from GLIDE can be found here:

    Access is automatically provisioned to users that have at least one of the following roles in Aggie Enterprise:
    - UCD Projects Cost Inquiry JR
    - UCD General Ledger Inquiry JR

    Timeline for access
    - Users with the above roles have been provisioned at go live.
    - Going forward, Aggie Enterprise Security Liaisons will be able to request these reports for users via the User Role Mapping process for Aggie Enterprise. 
    - Reports will be available in Cognos Production environment

    For those not auto-provisioned
    - Please reach out to your department's CAO or fiscal office to determine which reports you should be provisioned.
    - Submit access request via email to your Security Liaison(s); cc your CAO or fiscal officer.
    Note that the Security Team will only process requests submitted by designated Security Liaisons. 

  • AggieExpense (Concur) Reports
  • Cognos offers reports to view AggieExpense, Procurement and Travel Card transactions, as well as those made through the Preferred Booking Program (PBP). The following reports are available:
    1. AEE-318 AggieExpense Department Approvers Report
    2. AEE-416 AggieExpense Detail Report
    3. AEE-417 AggieExpense Outstanding Cash Advances
    4. AEE-418 AggieExpense Unreconciled Card Expenses Report
    5. AEE-419 AggieExpense Report Lookup
    6. AEE-421 AggieExpense Unreconciled Direct Billings Report
    7. AEE-425 AggieExpense Spend Report
    Access is automatically provisioned to users that have at least one of the following roles in Aggie Enterprise:
    - UCD Projects Cost Inquiry JR
    - UCD General Ledger Inquiry JR

    Timeline for access
    - Users with the above roles will be provisioned by the end of January 2024.
    - Going forward, Aggie Enterprise Security Liaisons will be able to request these reports for users via the User Role Mapping process for Aggie Enterprise. 
    - Reports will be available in Cognos Production environment

    For those not auto-provisioned
    - Please reach out to your department's CAO or fiscal office to determine which reports you should be provisioned.
    - Submit access request via email to your Security Liaison(s); cc your CAO or fiscal officer.
    Note that the Security Team will only process requests submitted by designated Security Liaisons. 

    See Supply Chain's Cognos Reports: Viewing AggieExpense, Card, Preferred Booking Program Expenses for more information. 

Enter Cognos Production Environment

Questions about Aggie Enterprise Cognos Reports can be submitted to the Aggie Enterprise Help Desk.



Retiring FIS Decision Support (FIS-DS)

With the implementation of Aggie Enterprise, UC Davis will be retiring FIS Decision Support (FIS-DS).

Historical data will not go away; we have a plan to migrate the data from FISDS into a different platform, still to be determined, as part of our data archival strategy. Data retention will be aligned with the requirements outlined in the UCOP retention policy