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- Open
The issue is known and currently being analyzed, and the team is looking for a resolution. - Open - Workaround Available
The issue is still being analyzed, the team is still looking for a permanent solution, but a workaround to the issue is available. (Detail the workaround in the issue description.) - Resolved
A solution has been found and implemented to production. - Resolved - Requires Workaround
A fix was not found for the originally reported issue and it is no longer being worked on; however, a workaround is available. - Closed - Not Resolved
Known issue that was investigated, but no solution was found, or was deemed unnecessary. The issue is no longer being investigated. - Change Request - In Progress
A change has been approved and is currently waiting to be implemented to production. - Change Request - Implemented
An approved change has been implemented to production.
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Title | Description | Functional Area | Issue Status | Date Identified Sort ascending |
Outage: UCD Transaction Listing Report - GL and Subledger Detail | 9/16/24 - Issue is resolved as of 9/13 afternoon. |
Reports | Resolved | |
Carryforward Balances for FY24 | Accumulated carryforward balances equal to the amount of FY24 activities were posted in August 2024, so the August-ending carryforward balances are aligned with the FY24 total balances. For a detailed explanation and demo, see Carryforward Explanation. |
Finance | Resolved | |
Invoice Print Template (Receivables) | Resolves PDFs cutting off and incorrect address information. |
Reports | Open | |
UCD GL VIPER Detail Report and UCD GL VIPER Summary Report | Adjusts Financial Department level parameter and add new fields. Adjust Parameter: -User needs to be able to run by Parent Level E Financial Department Add New Fields: -Vendor Name -Report Key - currently the report only displays Purchasing Card transaction and user needs the detailed data |
Reports | Open | |
Department P&L Report | Fixes drill-down feature and corrects reporting for PCARD & TCARD clearing accounts. 8/30/24 - A fix is ready and waiting to be moved to production. |
Reports | Open | |
Review Project Performance displaying EAC budget incorrectly | PPM's "Review Project Performance" is not showing correct EAC budgets. The displayed budget is showing as double (and in some cases even higher) than the actual budget. It is believed that the impact is only to Sponsored Projects and that Non-Sponsored Projects are showing correctly. If you find your budget amount not aligned to the project amount, please submit an Aggie Enterprise Help ticket, select "General Question" to route most efficiently. |
PPM | Open | |
UCD All Users Audit Report | Add Parameter: Status (All, Active or Inactive) Add or Modify Fields:
Order Report by User Name, then Role Names |
Reports | Resolved | |
UCD PGM Master Data Report | Isolate UCD Primary Ledger - As a result of the new Foundation Ledger, adjust report to only include UCD Primary Ledger = 300000008409485 Adjust the following (Multi) Select & Search parameters: |
Reports | Open | |
UCD PPM GL Cost Reconciliation Report | Report times out when running and fails when scheduling. |
Reports | Open | |
General Ledger Summary Report | Fixes duplication in category mapping and corrects reporting for PCARD & TCARD clearing accounts. 8/30/24 - A fix is ready and waiting to be moved to production. |
Reports | Open | |
FCCS Project Report | Map new burden schedule names to indirect cost base codes. |
Reports | Open | |
Purchase Order PDF Report | Correct coding to resolve incorrect buyer detail on PDF. |
Reports | Open | |
UCD National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) (PPM) Report | There will be a separate project file with all the master data information on project task details along with Task DFF values for Non-Sponsored projects. This should also list the award against the project and NIFA Accession & Project Number for each entry where applicable. There will be a separate file for master data of Awards – all details needed for awards. There will be an expenditures file which can be linked via Project, Tasks, and Expenditure Item Date. |
Reports | Open | |
Balance Sheet Report | Updates to mapping. Corrects report code and format issues.
8/30/24 - A fix is currently being tested. |
Reports | Open | |
UCD Faculty and Department Portfolio Report | Add the following fields: -Award Entity - after Award Name -Project Entity - after Project Name |
Reports | Open | |
July 20th bi-weekly UCPath Files Import Failure | UC Path files from the July 20th, 2024 biweekly transfer to Aggie Enterprise failed to import. As a result, users will see the following batches post to the August 2024 accounting period in PPM, not the July 2024 accounting period. |
PPM | Open - Workaround Available | |
Oracle defect randomly drops State field from electronic PO | There was a defect in Oracle that occasionally fails to transmit the State Abbreviation field with the electronic PO, causing the order to fail. Solution implemented resolved this issue. |
Supply Chain - Purchasing | Resolved | |
Fringe Cost Transfers went to default | UCPath used a KFS Object Code in Labor Ledger processing impacting Fringe Cost Transfers. Batches impacted: 3911_240831M0X% and 3911_240803B1X%. This means that UCPath 339 report does not match Oracle. The central team is working on a plan to correct this issue. In the meantime, units are asked not to move any entries out of Department Kickout (DKO) projects. |
Finance | Open | |
CBR and Vacation Accrual went to default | Cost transfer file with the KFS Object Codes for CBR and Vacation Accrual went to default (this is for Jul-24). Batches impacted contain: 3897_240720B3X_00008791_COST_TRANSFER. This means that UCPath 339 report does not match Oracle. Central team implemented a mass correction. 8/28/2024 Update: This resolution was overwritten by UCPath. An update to the issue is pending, but currently, UC Path data in Aggie Enterprise may be double counted. |
Finance | Open | |
PPM Project/Tasks missing or inaccurate. Approvers not updating for PPM Projects and Financial Departments. | Some PPM Project updates and Financial Department approver updates in Aggie Enterprise are not loading into AggieExpense properly. This includes PPM approver updates, Task updates or additions, and updates to Financial Department approvers. Please email AggieExpense Help at expensehelp@ucdavis.eduto report the missing/incorrect information. SCM is working with our Admin IT partners to resolve the issue. |
Aggie Expense | Open - Workaround Available | |
Foundation Funds beginning with 6XXXX or 7XXXX were created in error and have been inactivated. | Early on in conversion planning, Foundation funds were assigned 6xxxx and 7xxxx fund numbers. It was later decided to change them to alpha-numeric funds (See Understanding Gift Fund Value Structure KBA). Central Accounting will research and address any balances on these funds. |
Finance | Resolved | |
'Error code: Association end PartyP of assoc NoteEOToPartyPEO invalid for entity base PartyPEO in view object NoteUIViewVO' | Users are encountering the following error message when trying to open the Project Financial Management module: 'Error code: Association end PartyP of assoc NoteEOToPartyPEO invalid for entity base PartyPEO in view object NoteUIViewVO' |
PPM | Resolved | |
Converted Sponsored Project Award Close and Project Completion Dates update | The UCPath I-370 COA Validation webservice has been updated to correct Entity Codes, PPM Department Kickout Logic and Labor Ledger Processing. This fix includes checks to Project Status, Award Status and Project End Dates, resulting in reduced kickouts to DKO projects moving forward. |
PPM | Resolved | |
Finance and Administration Offset Recovery (Offset) recording error | An error was detected in the way the Facilities and Administration Offset Recovery (Offset) records in the General Ledger. The Offset is used to centrally accumulate the total F&A being recorded on individual sponsored projects. The system has been incorrectly posting the Offset to the same Financial Department and Project where the F&A expense is posting. The Offset should have been recorded in the central Contracts and Grants Accounting Financial Department. |
Finance | Resolved | |
Awards with "Expired" status rejected preventing posting to the project/award | Boundary Systems can now submit Journal Requests via Aggie Enterprise Integration Platform without rejection when the Award status is "Expired" with an active Project. PPM Segment validation now recognizes "Active", "Under Amendment", "Hold", and "Expired" Award statuses for successful posting to respective projects. |
PPM | Resolved | |
Cost transfer posting inadvertently split posting for GL and PPM | Cost transfers split, posting GL correctly to Period 12, and PPM erroneously posted to July (Period 1). PPM postings will be reversed and posted to correct Period 12 by July 12, 2024. |
PPM | Resolved | |
Applying the “Between” filter when setting the Accounting Period search parameters delivers incorrect/ incomplete search results | When using the “Advance” search features on the Manage Project Costs screen, the system includes the option to select “Between” for Account Period search parameters. |
PPM | Resolved - Requires Workaround | |
EE-421 AggieExpense Unreconciled Direct Billings Report Missing Reconciled Transactions | The AEE-421 AggieExpense Unreconciled Direct Billings Report is no longer adding data after 4/10/24, and reconciled transactions are not being removed. |
Aggie Expense | Open | |
Missing Transactions | From 1/4/24 to 5/24/24, some transaction data did not transfer to GLIDE. If you need detailed information on these transactions, please reach out to AggieExpense Help at |
Aggie Expense | Resolved - Requires Workaround | |
Some KFS Awards did not migrate to Aggie Enterprise | There were Awards in KFS that should have migrated to Aggie Enterprise, but they did not. Team added those Awards into Aggie Enterprise, including migration of expenditures. |
PPM | Resolved | |
One-time address use for campus locations may cause incorrect tax to be levied. | Use of "One-time" address for campus locations may cause punch-out vendor to charge incorrect sales tax on invoices as system only allows "Internal" Addresses to carry postal code 95616-5270. 6/20/24 Update: On-going. For campus locations, users should only use Internal addresses set in the system. If you’re unable to find your campus location in Aggie Enterprise, please reach out to SCM using the Aggie Enterprise help form and selecting the Purchasing subcategory. |
Supply Chain - Purchasing | Open - Workaround Available | |
Incorrect use tax charged | Use tax was charged on all taxable Expense Types even if the sales tax amount was added in the “Merchant Charged Sales Tax” field. If you find that your department was charged use tax when sales tax was already paid, please complete the Use Tax Accrual Correction Form and add “Due to system issue” in the Additional Information section. |
Aggie Expense | Resolved - Requires Workaround | |
Chart of Accounts missing Program, GL project, and/or Activity values | In most cases, out-of-pocket expenses defaulted the Program, GL Project, and Activity fields to all zeros, even if data was entered into AggieExpense. The other chart fields loaded correctly. If you need detailed information for your financial department’s activity to process corrective journal entries, please reach out to AggieExpense Help at |
Aggie Expense | Resolved - Requires Workaround | |
UCD CA592 Tax Report | Report contains missing and incorrect Withholding Taxes. |
Reports | Resolved | |
Logic for PPM Department Kick-Out projects requires correction | At go-live, there were cases where the Department Kick-Out (DKO) logic was not working as expected and transactions posted to DKO projects, including payroll transactions. This issue impacted the DKO process and the UCPath Labor Ledger Processing (I-101 and I-370). A fix was applied 5/8 to correct validation flow. The payroll workflow has been updated to utilize GL error workflow, which should reduce activity in DKO. |
PPM | Resolved | |
Not all Chart of Accounts (CoA) mapping incorporated into converted balances/PPM Budgets for go-live | In Feb. '24 a one-time process to support Correcting Chart String Balances (and PPM Budgets) Post Go-Live began, units submitted files for converted balance corrections including PPM budgets. On 4/29/24 GL conversion reclass corrections for converted balances were loaded into Aggie Enterprise. It may be helpful to use the Inquire on Detail Balances tool in the General Accounting Dashboard to verify the balances. |
PPM | Resolved | |
Incorrect carryforward balances posting to unit instead of central accounting financial departments | Carryforward offsets erroneously posted to academic and administrative units instead of Central Office General Accounting. This may impact the available balances units are seeing at go-live. In Feb. '24 a one-time process to support Correcting Chart String Balances (and PPM Budgets) Post Go-Live began, units submitted files for converted balance corrections including PPM budgets. On 4/29/24 GL conversion reclass corrections for converted balances were loaded into Aggie Enterprise. |
Finance | Resolved | |
ACH Remittance Report | Remove columns from report. |
Reports | Resolved | |
ACH payments remittance emails not set up for all vendors | At go-live not all vendors have ACH remittance email addresses set up in their records. AP and Supplier Services will continue working to add these emails so remittance notifications can go out to payees. |
Supply Chain - Accounts Payable | Resolved | |
Segmentor "Validate" button not performing true validation. | The validate button was returning successful chart strings regardless of possible issues. |
Ancillary Tool | Resolved | |
Incorrect chart string order displayed | The POET PPM tab was displaying the chart string at the bottom in PTOEAF order, instead of POETAF. |
PPM | Resolved | |
Additional Fund and Natural Account parents | An enhancement was implemented o comply with UCOP guidance and to allow new Subawards to be processed in the 1800B Fund groups. Impacts all users as the update Cross-Validation Rule (CVR) will include additional Fund and Natural Account parents: 1800B - Special Site Appropriations B 1999B - Specific State Appropriations B 2000B - Contracts and Grants Natural Account 53300B - Subcontract Services |
Finance | Resolved | |
Remove the "add" and "duplicate" options when trying to create a change order | The "add" and "duplicate" options interfered with pre-populated procurement smart forms, causing incompletion Requisition lines to route to buyers. Removing these buttons eliminates the incomplete lines and improves turnaround time for PO processing. |
Supply Chain - Purchasing | Change Request - Implemented | |
Removed "Social" tile and left sidebar. | To streamline homepage, removed the left sidebar, and "Social" tile. Removing "Social" drives users to seek support using established channels. |
General Issues | Change Request - Implemented | |
One Time Locations were not populating in Delivery section of PO PDF | Issue resolved, Delivery addresses now populating in corresponding Delivery Address box on the PO PDF. As a reminder, for Purchase Orders that are automatically created, with no buyer involvement, the resulting PO will need to be manually provided/emailed to the supplier once it is issued. |
Supply Chain - Purchasing | Resolved | |
Incorrect budget load during conversion | The budgets loaded into PPM Non-Sponsored Projects are have a budget as of October close. December 2023 close balances from KFS were loaded as PPM Budgets end-of-January, to ensure they match the converted budget balances in the GL. At that time, everything will be up-to-date from a conversion standpoint. 2/9/24: December budgets were loaded and validated Related: CGA is working to process new and amended projects received after November 21st. |
PPM | Resolved | |
Boundary Systems unable to post recharge revenue to PPM non-sponsored project | Change implemented to that allows Boundary Systems (BSYS) to post UCD Recharge Revenue to a PPM Internal (Faculty) Project. |
PPM | Resolved | |
POs mapped to some PPM projects did not convert | 2/9/24 update: 81 of the 100 POs that did not initially convert have successfully been reloaded. 19 POs did not convert. At this point, the 19 will not be reloaded. If they are still valid and need to be in Aggie Enterprise, please process a Requisition and note in your request that this is an attempt to recreate a PO from KFS that did not convert. |
Supply Chain - Purchasing | Resolved | |
TouchNet credit card feed for merchants processing directly to the ledger was inaccurate. | TouchNet daily credit card feed was inaccurate for those merchants that process directly to Aggie Enterprise ledger. All transactions posted from the TouchNet Feed to the ledger have been reversed,and reloaded with correct amounts. |
Finance | Resolved | |
Subaward invoice routing missing approval step | An enhancement has been applied to ensure that subaward invoices always route to both project manager (department approver) and then to PI before going out for payment. All subaward invoices must be approved by project manager and PI to ensure appropriate use of funds. |
Supply Chain - Purchasing | Resolved | |
PPM Projects end and close dates are incorrect | During conversion some PPM Project end and close dates set to default, this impacts expense transactions and other activities associated with financial administration of a sponsored award. An enhancement was applied to update end and close dates to correct date(s). |
PPM | Resolved | |
Revenue Transfer journals for GL only recharges are auto-rejecting | Units who submit recharge billing to GL only chart strings on their own using the UCD Revenue Transfer Journal process will have their journal auto-reject. This is expected to be fixed very quickly so please wait to submit your journal until the fix is completed. |
Finance | Resolved | |
Some PPM Projects created in the GL, but not the PPM subledger | Analysis complete. Process for correction can be found in the PPM Project values missing from the PPM subledger knowledge article. |
PPM | Resolved - Requires Workaround | |
No sales tax converted for open PO lines | Due to complexity of extracting correct sales tax for only open purchase order lines from Kuali, converted POs in Aggie Enterprise do not include sales tax. When converted POs are invoiced, correct sales tax will be calculated by tax engine and will be paid based on zip code listed in PO and vendor charged tax. |
Supply Chain - Purchasing | Open | |
Mapping of CoA/PPM on invoices of converted POs may not reflect desired mapping | Purchase orders were converted based on the CoA/PPM rules that were established for go-live. The invoicing team is unable to update the existing accounting information.
Supply Chain - Accounts Payable | Open - Workaround Available | |
Not all previously available AggieBuy Catalogs are enabled | While over 20 catalogs are available in Aggie Enterprise, not all previously available AggieBuy Catalogs are there yet. Catalogs are continuously being added. See Supplier Catalog plan for details. |
Supply Chain - Purchasing | Open |