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Title Sort descending | Report Description / Use Case | Report Type | Release Date / Last Updated |
3-Year Sources & Uses Report | Allows you to view the funding sources and uses data across a three-year timeframe: previous year, current year, and budget year. |
Planning | |
Account Monitor/Account Inquiry Tool | The Account Monitor/Account Inquiry Tool displays General Ledger balances and allows you to drill through to journal entry and sub-ledger details. You can also create and save customized searches. This tool is similar to some functions on the DS-1 (you can find chart string balances for a given period), DS-48 (you can see balances by period for a specific natural account), and DS256 (you can see year-over-year comparisons). |
Finance | |
AE Chart of Accounts (CoA) Segment Report | Displays the value set and hierarchy for the Chart of Accounts (CoA). The report facilitates viewing the parent/child relationship between values in each CoA segment. This report is similar to the DS10, DS11, DS37 and DS50. See: |
Cognos | |
AE GLIDE Report | Provides transaction details transferred from boundary applications to the Aggie Enterprise database. Use the report to reconcile financial data between the Aggie Enterprise general ledger and applicable subledgers. This report is similar to the DS2 and DS212. For more information, see KB0010222 Understanding the GLIDE Report. See also:
Cognos | |
AEE-318 AggieExpense Department Approvers Report | Allows you to view the current approver for a given department or employee. Use the report after making department approver changes to verify that the update is correct. See KB0010799 AggieExpense: Viewing and Taking Approval Action on Requests and Reports. |
Cognos | |
AEE-416 AggieExpense Detail Report | Displays complete details of the expense report of interest. You can search for the report using the report key, located in the upper-left corner of the reporter page. For additional information, see KB0010827 AggieExpense: Creating an Expense Report. |
Cognos | |
AEE-417 AggieExpense Outstanding Cash Advances | Displays outstanding cash advances made in AggieExpense Request. Use the report to reconcile any outstanding cash advances after your trip concludes. For additional information, see KB0010785 AggieExpense: Creating a Request for Travel or Cash Advance and Reconciling Cash Advances. |
Cognos | |
AEE-418 AggieExpense Unreconciled Card Expenses Report | Displays outstanding Travel Card and Procurement Card transactions. Use the report to reconcile any outstanding Travel Card transactions before or after your trip. For additional information, see KB0010840 AggieExpense: Creating a Procurement Card Reconciliation Report. |
Cognos | |
AEE-419 AggieExpense Report Lookup | Allows you to look up Travel and Entertainment reports by a variety of parameters, including Division, Department, Traveler Name, Report Name, or Report Type. For additional information, see KB0010827 AggieExpense: Creating an Expense Report. |
Cognos | |
AEE-421 AggieExpense Unreconciled Direct Billings Report | Displays outstanding Preferred Booking Program transactions. Use the report to reconcile any outstanding Preferred Booking Program transactions before or after your trip. |
Cognos | |
AEE-425 AggieExpense Spend Report | Displays travel and entertainment-related expense data. You can use the report filters to search for expenses grouped by month and employee for an approver's designated employees. |
Cognos | |
Aggie Enterprise Approval Group Report | Provides a consolidated list of all users who are assigned to the Approver groups in Aggie Enterprise.
Finance | |
Aggie Enterprise Department P&L Crosswalk | The Aggie Enterprise Department P&L Crosswalk report recreates the Department P&L report in the Aggie Enterprise Planning application to help you verify that the general ledger actuals in the Aggie Enterprise application matches the actuals data in the Planning application. Features in the report facilitate the verification process. This article describes the purpose of the report and its contents. See KB0011340 - Aggie Enterprise Department P&L Crosswalk Report for details. |
Planning | |
Annual Budget Report | Allows you to share and review a rollup view of your budget plan or the most recent forecast while the plan is being developed during the annual budget cycle. You can also use the report to preserve the finalized budget for your records. |
Planning | |
Applied Receipt Register Report | Provides customer receipt application information by business unit and accounting date for a specified period. This information can also be found within the customer Refund Receipt Report. |
Finance | |
Asset Notification | (Asset representatives only) Lists transactions processed on fixed assets. The report is automatically generated and emailed daily to asset representatives to notify them of their moveable asset transactions, including additions, adjustments, retirements, transfers, and any updates to the descriptive details, including descriptive flex fields. Use the report to review the asset transactions processed by the Central Equipment Management team. |
Finance | |
Budge Context Charts | Allows you to visualize the total annual sources, total annual uses, and contract and grants expenditures data graphically. Viewing the graphical version of the data can help you check revenue and spending patterns at a glance and quickly discover anomalies. |
Planning | |
Carryforward Balances Report | Allows you to view three years of carryforward data for a specific financial department so that you can identify carryforward trends, surpluses, and deficits. |
Planning | |
Carryforward Ownership by Financial Department | Allows you to view carryforward amounts by financial department. In addition, within each financial department, you can view the percent ownership by owner type and any carryforward with no ownership. Reviewing carryforward data by financial department provides a more granular view of resources for ongoing financial accountability and stewardship. See KB0011373 Carryforward Ownership by Financial Department. |
Planning | |
Customer Billing History Report | Provides an overview of a financial department's transactions and billing activities. Reviewing the report can help identify invoices that were billed, which have been paid, and any adjustments made to the invoices. This report replaces Decision Support report FIS408. |
Finance | |
Customer Listing Report | Displays the list of customer names, account numbers, and when the accounts were established in the Aggie Enterprise database. |
Finance | |
Deficit Management Report | Allows you to determine the financial department fund categories that require deficit plans, using actual data from the general ledger. |
Planning | |
Department Billing Report | Lists complete and incomplete invoices and includes transaction numbers, transaction dates, financial departments, and customer names. You use the report primarily to track and review incomplete invoices for month-end closing. |
Finance | |
Department Comparison Report | Allows you to conduct side-by-side analysis of two data sets for a financial department and its children departments. You can select the dataset contents: fiscal year, scenario, version. You can also select one or more account categories to use for the comparison. |
Planning | |
Department P&L | Provides a summary of financial operations at a point in time with beginning balance, total revenue, total expenditures, and total ending balance. You can select multiple parent or posting-level financial departments and use the report to monitor the departments' financial positions and perform financial analysis. This report is similar to some functions on the DS-1 and the DS-210. |
Finance | |
Detailed Actuals | Shows actuals data from the general ledger, using Planning data categories. |
Planning | |
Financial Aid Balances Monitor Report | Allows you to compare the sources, uses, net position, and financial aid data for a selected financial department across three years. If the high-level comparison reveals pattern of interest or concern, you can investigate further using the detailed list of net positions by chart of account segments. |
Planning | |
Full Detail Actuals | Allows you to find or report information that is otherwise not found in the abbreviated Detailed Actuals Report and run ad hoc analysis after exporting the report to Microsoft Excel. |
Planning | |
General Ledger Summary Report | Shows department P&L data by fund categories. You can use this report to monitor the financial position of a department and perform financial analysis. Unlike the Department P&L Report, you can only select a single value for each report filter (for example, a single parent or posting-level financial department). This report is similar to some functions of the DS-1, DS-55, and Aggie Budget Sources & Uses report. |
Finance | |
Monthly Variance Report | Allows you to compare the funding sources and uses data in the Final version of your budget plan against the imported actuals from the general ledger for a single month and year to date. |
Planning | |
NIFA Reporting – GL | This report is necessary to create a location where Projects and Grants users can easily review necessary project and award information and ensure that award creation meets standards. This will help central users look for inconsistency in the award data – to confirm quality of creation / maintenance of awards applications to generate a mandatory Sponsor Annual Report. |
Finance | |
Planned Carryforward Use Report | Allows you to view three years of carryforward data for a specific financial department and the planned uses for the carryforward by commitment level. Use the report to analyze carryforward trends and planned uses of carryforward by ownership, type, and commitment level across the planning fund categories. |
Planning | |
PPM Task Listing Report | The PPM Task Listing Report allows Project Managers and Functional Users to extract high-level task information for projects or group of projects. The report is accessed through Cognos. See KB0011773 Running the PPM Task Listing Report in Cognos. |
Project Portfolio Management | |
Receivables Aging Report | Lists customers and their unpaid invoices in 30-day (non-CGA) or 60-day (CGA) segments. Reviewing the report can help identify customers who might be of financial risk and allow your department to adjust revenue forecasts accordingly. |
Finance | |
Receivables Departmental Billing Adjustment Approval Report | Shows invoice adjustment approval status, names of the approvers, and adjustments made to individual financial transactions. You can use the report to locate previously approved or rejected invoices and for auditing purposes. See KB0009635 Run the Receivables Departmental Billing Adjustment Approval Report. |
Finance | |
Sources and Uses | Allows you to compare the funding sources and uses data in your plan against the actuals data from the general ledger. See KB0010602 Sources and Uses Report.
Planning | |
UCD AR Invoice Detail Report | Displays the list of invoices associated with contracts (clinical trials, contracts and grants). The report shows the award budget, contract amount, invoice date, invoice due date, and the amount due. |
Finance | |
UCD Comprehensive Spend Report | Provides the data required to analyze category spend, Small Business First, and 5402 Reporting ("Covered Services") compliance, and spend by time period. |
Supply Chain | |
UCD Equipment Activity Report | Lists capital equipment and associated financial activities. The report provides a high-level summary (beginning balance, new additions, disposals, adjustments, and ending balances) and lists detailed transactions. As a Central Account Office user or financial department user, you can use the report to ensure that movable assets are properly recorded in the Aggie Enterprise Fixed Assets subledger. This report replaces Decision Support reports 283, 370, and 371. |
Finance | |
UCD Equipment Inventory Listing | Lists moveable equipment assets and includes asset details, such as date placed in service, manufacturer, fund number, asset building location, useful life, and current period and accumulated depreciation. As a Central Accounting Office or financial department user, you can use the report to monitor the accuracy and completeness of the university’s moveable equipment inventory and ensure the university meets physical inventory and sponsor requirements. This report replaces Decision Support report 375 and 379. |
Finance | |
UCD Faculty and Department Portfolio Report | Shows all PPM activities for an individual Faculty (PI), and individual Project Manager or a project-owning organization (Financial Department). This report is similar to the DS 325-PI Ledger Review. See KB0009574 Run and Review the PPM Faculty and Department Portfolio Report. |
Project Portfolio Management | |
UCD GL Gift Accounting Report | An Accounting and Financial report that displays active gift fee, revenue, expense, and endowment accounts. You can run the report monthly for posting allocations. |
Finance | |
UCD GL Monitoring Report (General Ledger Monitoring Report) | Provides details of journal entries by period, journal source, journal category, and chart of account attributes to help track journal lines that cross Level D Funds or Level C Financial Departments, or where the Financial Department of the Journal Category differs from the Financial Department in any of the journal lines to ensure accuracy and policy compliance. See KB0010206 Run the UCD GL Monitoring Report (General Ledger Monitoring Report). |
Finance | |
UCD GL Summary Balances Report | Lists different balances by chart of account segment values. Use this report to help you quickly locate surplus or deficit balances and report remaining funds or funds that have shortfalls. This report is similar to the FISDS-1 report. |
Finance | |
UCD GL Trial Balance Report | Displays debit and credit entries for beginning balances, period activity, and ending balances that are listed by chart of account segments that you specify. You use the report to check credit and debit entries in the general ledger for accuracy and determine the correct Net Position values. |
Finance | |
UCD NIFA PGM Report | (College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences only) Provides detailed data to be included in the mandatory annual reports you submit to the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). |
Project Portfolio Management | |
UCD PGM Master Data Report | The UCD PGM Master Data Report provides details about PPM awards, such as award purpose, award start date, primary sponsor, award principal investigator, award organization, grant administrator, contract administrator, sponsor award number, Sponsor LOC, LOC document number, and so on. You use the report to review PPM award information to ensure all award data has been captured. See KB0009577- PPM-5.06 Running the UCD PGM Master Data Report for more information. |
Project Portfolio Management | |
UCD PO Aging Report | The Purchase Order Aging Report is used to track the status of open Purchase Orders and to identify orders that may need to be closed due to non-fulfillment. |
Supply Chain | |
UCD PPM Cost Transfer Report | Use the PPM Cost Transfer Report to review costs that were transferred from one PPM project or task to another. Note: The Aggie Enterprise cost transfer report uses the report developed by UC Riverside. The reports you generate might not yet contain all fields that are useful for UC Davis. Future enhancements are planned to include more relevant fields. In addition, the search feature will be improved so that you can search by specific project numbers and the Project Manager name. See KB0010195 - PPM-5.04 Run the UCD PPM Cost Transfer Report for more information. |
Project Portfolio Management | |
UCD PPM Department Kickout Project Balances | Lists Department Kickout (DKO) projects and balances by chart of account segments. You can use the report to identify DKO projects that require review and transfer. See KB0010958 Run the PPM Department Kickout Project Balances Report. |
Project Portfolio Management | |
UCD Requisition & PO Activity Report | The Requisition and PO Activity Report allows a user to view transaction activity on a Requisition, as well as on any related Purchase Order document(s). |
Supply Chain | |
UCD Transaction Listing Report | Lists journal entries by period, journal source, journal category and chart of account segments; also provides commitments, obligations, and actual balances. You can use the report to monitor the accuracy and completeness of GL postings, review financial transactions, and perform financial analysis. This report is similar to the DS-2, DS54, DS-17 Object Transaction Detail reports. Note that it contains summarized transactions from subledgers. You might need to run the UCD Transaction Listing Report - GL and Subledger Detail or go to the subledger directly to see individual transactions. |
Finance | |
UCD Transaction Listing Report - GL and Subledger Detail | Shows subledger and general ledger journal data with chart of account details. You can use the report to review general ledger transactions and reconcile differences between the subledger and the general ledger. This report is similar to FISDS-2. See KB0010829 Run the UCD Transaction Listing Report - GL and Subledger Detail. |
Finance | |
Unapplied Receipt Register | Displays receipts in unapplied, unidentified, or On Account status. |
Finance |