Q: I am not seeing all the options, such as the various catalogs, when creating a Requisition. What do I need to do?
A: In order to see all the options on a Requisition, including all of the catalogs, the Requisition Preferences screen must be completed. On the Requisition Preferences screen, the Requisitioning BU option must be set to UCD Req Business Unit.
Q: What is the recommended method of purchasing in Aggie Enterprise?
A: Shopping from one of the catalogs is the recommended way to purchase goods from multiple suppliers with which the university has an established agreement. These agreements provide the lowest-cost option from the suppliers, while offering the most favorable supplier terms and conditions.
Q: Can I combine both catalog and non-catalog items on a single Requisition?
A: As a best practice, we do not recommend placing both catalog and non-catalog items on one Requisition. Shoppers can purchase from multiple catalogs on one Requisition, however.
Q: Can I include multiple delivery locations on one Requisition?
A: As a best practice, we do not recommend including more than one delivery location per Requisition. If a change has to be made to a delivery location on a Purchase Order, be sure to review and edit each item line as needed to ensure it only includes only one delivery location.
Q: Can I cite multiple suppliers on one Requisition?
A: Yes, this is possible and ok for catalog Requisitions. For non-catalog Requisitions, we recommend that only one supplier be included. Including multiple suppliers on one non-catalog Requisition can cause issues later if a change order (amendment) is necessary, and is therefore not recommended.
Q; I am not finding the supplier I want to use on a Requisition. What do I do?
A: After clicking on the lookup icon in the Supplier field, click the Advanced button, and then use the Keywords field to search for the supplier. Some suppliers have a corporate name, and a separate "doing business as (DBA)" name. The Keywords field allows searches against the various ways a supplier may be entered in the database. Learn more on searching for a supplier. If the supplier cannot be located after completing these steps, they may need to be added to the database.
Q: How do I purchase against a university agreement in Aggie Enterprise?
A: On the Requisition document, enter the Agreement Number in the Agreement field. If the Agreement Number is not known, click on the lookup icon on the Agreement field to search for the desired agreement by the Supplier (Name) field. Click on the Advanced button to open up additional ways to search against the Supplier field. Learn other ways to search for an existing purchasing agreement.
Q; I'm having trouble trying to understand what the Supplier Site field is used for on the Requisition. Where can I learn more?
A: The Supplier Site identifies the specific address to be used for that purchase request. Each address is assigned its own unique code. After locating and entering the desired supplier in the Supplier field, the Supplier Site field is completed.
Q: I understand that attachments are required for certain types of purchases. How do I know when an attachment is required?
A: Certain types of purchases, including capital assets, sole source requests, covered services carve out requests, and potential conflicts of interest, require the completion of additional documentation to be attached to the Requisition document. Learn more about the various attachments and when each one is required.
Q: What is a blanket order, and how do I set one up in Aggie Enterprise?
A: A blanket order is a request for an ongoing need, generally for a year or longer. An example is requesting a cage washing service for a lab for a year. These types of requests are established on a Requisition document. Once the Requisition is fully approved, and the resulting Purchase Order is issued to the supplier, the department cites the PO Number when purchasing against the blanket order.
Q: I won't be able to complete my Requisition at one time. Can I save it for later completion?
A: Yes! In the upper right corner of the Requisition, click on the Save button. The Requisition will be saved in the Recent Requisitions section with an Incomplete status. When you click on the link to open the Requisition, go to the Actions menu and select the Edit option to continue working on the Requisition.
Q: Where does my Requisition route after I submit it? How will I know when it's fully approved, and a Purchase Order has been created?
A: Every Requisition routes to the chart string or PPM Project approver for their approval. Depending on the Category Names selected and the dollar amount of the request, the Requisition may route to additional units and/or Procurement & Contracting Services for approval. Once the Requisition is approved, a system and email notification will be sent to the Initiator; system and email notifications will also be sent to the Initiator of the Requisition and the person listed in the Requester field when the resulting Purchase Order is issued to the supplier. Learn more about Requisition routing and approval.
Q: Will I still need to email the printed Purchase Order to the supplier for each approved transaction?
A: Yes, but ONLY for non-catalog orders that were not processed by a buyer in Procurement and Contracting Services. Catalog orders will automatically transmit to suppliers, and buyers will manually send a copy of the PO to the supplier for each order they process.
Q: When I click on a system notification, including those for approval requests, from the bell icon, nothing happens. Is the link broken?
A: The system notifications appear in a new pop-up window, so any pop-up blockers need to be turned off when working in Aggie Enterprise.
Q: How do I see all the system notifications I have received, including those that were previously-sent and/or read?
A: After clicking on the bell icon, click on the drop-down menu next to the Pending Notifications header, and select the All Notifications option. This will display ALL notifications, both new and past ones.
Q: How can I ensure I am seeing all the search results available to me?
A: After performing a search, in the search results header, click on Columns and then Show All, if you would like to see all the information available. You can also select what fields you want to see or exclude from the search results as well.