Transactions entered in PPM use the POET(AF) string.
"POET" stands for: Project – Organization – Expenditure Type – Task. Sponsored Research Projects, and only these projects, have awards and funding sources associated with them, so sponsored projects require the additional (AF) elements - Award Number and Funding Source.
Definitions and details are outlined below.
- P: Project
- Value length: 10 characters
Value schema: Alpha-numeric
Entry requirements: Required for all transactions in the PPM module
Definition: The Project identifies the planned work or activity to be completed over a period of time and intended to achieve a particular goal.
Roll-up relationship to the new Chart of Accounts (CoA) in the General Ledger:
- The POET(AF) Project value will roll up to the Project segment of the Chart of Accounts.
- For PPM projects, POET(AF) Project values and CoA Project segment values will be the same.
- The POET(AF) Project value also includes associated attributes that will map to the Entity and Financial Department segments of the CoA.
- Capital Projects
- Sponsored Projects
- Faculty Projects
- O: Expenditure Organization
- Value length: 7 characters
Value schema: Alpha-numeric
Entry requirements: Required for all transactions in the PPM module
Definition: The Expenditure Organization identifies the organization that is incurring the expense. This may NOT be the same as the organization that owns the project.
Roll-up relationship to the new Chart of Accounts in the General Ledger:
- The Expenditure Organization value will not roll up to the Chart of Accounts.
- Computer Science
- Plant Sciences - E: Expenditure Type
- Value length: 6 characters
Value schema: Numeric
Entry requirements: Required for all transactions in the PPM module
Definition: The Expenditure Type identifies the natural classification of the expense transaction being recorded.
Roll-up relationship to the new Chart of Accounts in the General Ledger:
- The Expenditure Type value will roll up to the (Natural) Account segment in the Chart of Accounts.
- The first 6 characters of the Expenditure Type value will correspond with the (Natural) Account value it rolls up to.
- Salary
- Fringe Benefits
- Consulting Services
- Travel - T: Task
- Value length: 6 characters
Value schema: Alpha-numeric
Entry requirements: Required for all transactions in the PPM module
Definition: The Task identifies the activities used to further breakdown a PPM project. Every project MUST have at least one Task. The number of tasks will vary by type of project.
Roll-up relationship to the new Chart of Accounts in the General Ledger:
- Task values are exclusively used in the PPM module, and will not roll up to the Chart of Accounts.
- For Internal Projects, including Faculty Projects, Task will include embedded attributes that map to the Program, Purpose, Fund and Activity segments in the CoA.
- Design
- Construction
- Data Gathering & Analysis - A: Award Number
- Value length: 7 characters
Value schema: Alpha-numeric
Entry requirements: Required for all Sponsored Research transactions in the PPM module
Definition: The Award Number identifies the number assigned to an award containing funding activities. This value is generated within the Aggie Enterprise system; it is NOT the sponsor award number.
Roll-up relationship to the new Chart of Accounts in the General Ledger:
- Award Number values are exclusively used in the PPM module, and will not roll up to the Chart of Accounts.
- However, attributes included in the Award set up will inform CoA Fund and Purpose values.
*Award Number values will be generated by the Aggie Enterprise system. - F: Funding Source
- Value length: 5 characters
Value schema: Alpha-numeric
Entry requirements: Required for all Sponsored Research transactions in the PPM module
Definition: The Funding Source identifies the name of the sponsor for the external funding source.
Roll-up relationship to the new Chart of Accounts in the General Ledger:
- Funding Source values are exclusively used in the PPM module, and will not roll up to the Chart of Accounts.
- U.S. Agency for International Development - USAID (Value: 22538)
- National Science Foundation (Value: 19267)
- Google, Inc. (Value: 24647)
Download the POET(AF) Quick Reference Guide
Mapping POET(AF) to the new Chart of Accounts
Transactions entered in PPM use the POET(AF) string. Aggie Enterprise will be configured so that POET(AF) values and attributes translate and roll up to applicable Chart of Accounts (CoA) segments in the General Ledger (GL). Mapping from POET(AF) to the Chart of Accounts will vary depending on the type of PPM project.
POET to Chart of Accounts (CoA) Mapping for Internal Projects and ALL Capital Projects
Internal Projects, including Faculty Projects, use only the POET elements of the POET(AF) string. The Task values will not roll up to the Chart of Accounts, however, Task values will include embedded attributes that map to the Fund, Purpose, Program and Activity segments in the Chart of Accounts.

POET(AF) to Chart of Accounts (CoA) Mapping for Sponsored Projects
Sponsored Projects, and only these projects, have awards and funding sources associated with them, so Sponsored projects require the additional (AF) elements, using the full POET(AF) string. For Sponsored Projects, the Task values do not have a roll-up relationship to the Chart of Accounts. Instead, attributes from the Award set up will map to the correct value for the Fund and Purpose segments in the Chart of Accounts.