The Requisitions screen in Aggie Enterprise will be getting an updated look and feel as a result of an upcoming Oracle release in Summer 2025. The screens will feature a cleaner and more streamlined look, with some enhanced functionality and features, making them easier to enter and complete.
Join us for an online Zoom presentation of the new user interface on May 20th!
The overall purchasing process will not be changing, and the same supplier catalogs will continue to be available. The resulting Purchase Order issued to suppliers will still look the same as it currently does.
Staying Updated
- This page will be regularly updated as we get closer to go-live and a specific date is finalized.
- We will also send regular updates via the procure-info email list and SCM Newsletter.
- Virtual forums and Office Hour events will also provide information and instructions.
What's Changing?
Below are some of the screens currently in development. Please note that the look and feel may continue to evolve, as the development work continues.
Requisitions Screen
This screen, identified as Self Service Procurement, will be the portal for all purchasing, including catalog and non-catalog purchasing. There will also still be the ability to set up a default chart string(s) or PPM project, and delivery location, by clicking on the Preferences button.
Requisition Preferences Screen
Users can continue to set up their default billing and delivery information for their Requisitions.
Requisition: Catalog and Request Forms Tiles
All of the current catalog suppliers and various non-catalog forms and change order forms will continue to be available in Aggie Enterprise.
Request Forms
Non-Catalog requests, including Agreement Requests, Fixed and Quantity Requisitions and amendments for adding items, will still be available in Aggie Enterprise.
Requisition Cart Check-Out Screen
The cart check-out screen display will make it easier to view and/or edit information prior to submitting the Requisition into routing.
My Requisitions Screen
This screen allows a user to see the Requisitions they or other users have created, and whether those Requisitions are pending approval, fully approved, or have been returned by an approver for follow-up action. The user can also select whether to see just the header level information or the item line detail.
Header Level Option
Item Line Detail
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will Requisition Preferences be transitioned from the current to the updated UI (user interface)?
- A: Yes. All existing data will transfer over to the updated UI.
Q: Will saved shopping lists transition from the current to updated UI?
- A: Yes.
Q: Will all previous Purchasing history still be available in Aggie Enterprise?
- A: Yes, the look and feel will change, but all of the data for the prior transactions will still be available.
Q: Will other Aggie Enterprise modules be changing?
- A: No. At this time, only the Requisition module will be updated to a new look and feel. Other modules in Aggie Enterprise will retain their same appearance and existing functionality.