Change Network

The Change Network is a group of individuals engaged over the course of the Aggie Enterprise initiative to support change management efforts at UC Davis.

Led by the Aggie Enterprise Change Management, Communications and Training (CCT) team, the Change Network brings together individuals from colleges, schools and administrative units across the Davis campus, UC Davis Health and Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Members of the Change Network are dedicated to understanding and supporting the changes involved with Aggie Enterprise. They will represent their units in Change Network meetings and help build awareness within their organization by:

  • Serving as conduits of information, facilitating cascading communications
  • Acting as a liaisons between their colleagues and the project team
  • Identifying opportunities and risks with business process changes
  • Advocating for the change

If you wish to participate as a member of the Change Network, please contact us. The Change Network requires a commitment of approximately 2–5 hours per month. Prospective members are advised to check with their supervisors before volunteering to participate.

How does this community support change management at UC Davis?

As key collaborators on the Aggie Enterprise project, the Change Network works in partnership with the CCT Team, Project Team and Subject Matter Experts to facilitate change management and communication across the organization.

Change management partners: Aggie Enterprise project team, subject matter experts, communications, training, change network and super users

Change Management Strategy (PDF)Text Alternative

Change Network Meeting Resources

Here you will find Change Network presentation materials and recordings of previous meetings. 








Need more change management resources? Explore the Office of Business Transformation change management toolkit.