1/29/24: Catalog Supplier Update and Requisition Routing Information

Catalog Suppliers:

The current list of supplier catalogs that are live in Aggie Enterprise is posted on the Aggie Enterprise Catalog Suppliers website.   Our team continues to work to implement additional catalogs as quickly as possible, and we appreciate your continued patience. If you need to use a supplier that is not yet active in Aggie Enterprise:


Requisition Routing:

Although an approver cannot make edits to a Requisition, they can return it to the initiator for edits and resubmission.  When disapproving a Requisition, the approver is required to add a note indicating why they are rejecting it. This note is accessible to users who have access to the Requisition, including the initiator.  If you are an approver, be sure that you clearly identify what action needs to be done to correct the Requisition (e.g., enter a different account, include specific attachment, add, or remove a specific line item).  Detailed and specific notes will expedite edits and getting the Requisition approved as soon as possible.  Learn more on how to take action on a document if you are an approver.

  1. Rejected Requisitions return to the Requisition initiator for review and follow-up in their Action List, accessible from the bell icon in the upper right corner of the Aggie Enterprise screen. 
  2. The initiator clicks on the applicable system notification to open the Requisition.
  3. The initiator than clicks on Actions, and selects View Document History, and the reason for the approver rejection will be indicated in the Additional Information field.  
  4. To make edits to the Requisition, the initiator clicks on Actions, and selects the Edit option.
  5. After completing the necessary edits, the initiator clicks on the Submit button to begin the routing process again.

Learn more about Requisition routing and several situations that result in an automatically-rejected Requisition.

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