Aggie Enterprise Planning FY25 Merit, Range, and Equity Assumptions

Dear Aggie Enterprise Planning Users,

FY25 workforce assumptions were mistakenly reset during the update for the FY26 workforce assumptions. Since FY25 average salaries were not changed during the FY26 snapshot update, this is causing the FY25 workforce expenses to be understated in the working version of FY25 for In Year plans.

The AE Planning team will restore the FY25 Merit, Range, and Equity assumptions to minimize planning effort across campus. Expect to see the restored assumptions on March 12, 2025. If you adjusted your FY25 salaries in the Workforce module within the last week, you may need review the total expense again after this change.

If you have any questions, please contact the Aggie Enterprise Help Desk.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

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