Fiscal Close Focus: Resources, Important Dates
Welcome to the first edition of Fiscal Close Focus!
The Fiscal Close Focus is a limited-edition newsletter, issued through July 2024, to provide Aggie Enterprise users with bi-weekly updates and guidance related to fiscal close.
Deadlines shared in this newsletter are established by the central offices. Internal department deadlines may be earlier to account for workload and business processes. Check with your department business office for more information.
View the 2023-24 Fiscal Close Calendar
Resource updates
Finance office hours – Daily, starting June 3
Finance office hours are being extended through June and offered daily to provide additional support during fiscal close. Subject matter experts are available Monday through Friday, 10-11 a.m., to address your questions. Visit the Aggie Enterprise Finance Events to add sessions to your calendar.
A special breakout room for cost sharing is scheduled for Thursday, June 6, and Thursday, June 13.
FIS Decision Support reminder
FIS Decision Support (FISDS) will continue to be available for historical data for the foreseeable future.
With the implementation of Aggie Enterprise, UC Davis will eventually be retiring FISDS; however, historical data will not go away. The Aggie Enterprise team is still determining the data archival strategy, including plans to migrate data from FISDS to a different platform. Data retention will be aligned with the UCOP retention policy and FIS Decision Support users will be notified in advance of any plans to retire the system.
Upcoming dates and deadlines
Saturday, June 1, 8 a.m.
Notification: Period 12 ledgers open for all transactions, including feeds.
June Preliminary (Period 12) ledgers open for all transactions, including feed processing (use Period 12).
Monday, June 3, 5 p.m.
Deadline: Supplier set-up requests
Supplier set-up registration requests and supplier edit registration requests due to facilitate invoicing.
Friday, June 7, 5 p.m.
Deadline: SCM Shared Services clients to submit OPP request for processing Payment Requests (non-PO payments)
Other shared service groups or academic clusters may have different deadlines. Check with your department business office for more information.
Friday, June 7, EOD
Deadline: Benefit Cost Transfers
Last day to request Benefit Cost Transfers from Central Payroll, Contracts & Grants Accounting, or Student Accounting. Create a ServiceNow ticket for help.
- Contracts & Grants: Send a request through Service Now.
- Student Accounting email: myaccount@ucdavis.edu
Deadline: Pre Aggie Enterprise conversion Cost Transfers
Last day to request Legacy Cost Transfers for data prior to Aggie Enterprise.
Monday, June 10, EOD
Notification: Accounts receivable
Begin reviewing accounts receivable aging reports and determine if invoice write-offs are needed.
Friday, June 14, 5 p.m.
Deadline: Invoices from suppliers
Deadline for submission of invoices and payment requests to invoicing@ucdavis.edu. Submissions need to be error free, with all required documentation.
Fiscal close resources
- For materials from the Fiscal Close Overview presentation, as well as guidance on Finance processes, visit Finance.
- For guidance on Supply Chain processes, such as purchasing, accounts payable and travel, visit Supply Chain Management.
- For the 2023-24 fiscal close calendar, visit Aggie Enterprise.
- For questions and additional support, add Office Hours to your calendar.