From Idea to Implementation – The Process for New Aggie Enterprise Reports

Enhanced reporting is an ongoing priority for Aggie Enterprise users and the Aggie Enterprise team. Moving a new report request from the initial idea to implementation is a multi-phase process:

Six circles in a row with arrows to the next circle. Each includes words and icons to represent process steps. First says Change Request, with a lightbulb icon. Second says Requirements, with a clipboard checklist icon. Third says Change Request Review with an icon of three people talking. Fourth says Development, with a screwdriver and wrench icon. Fifth says Testing, with an icon of three arrows moving in a circle. The final circle says Implementation, with an icon of a computer.

New Report Process (PDF) | Text Alternative

Change Request

Change Requests (CR) are created by the Aggie Enterprise Reporting team based on user feedback and identified gaps. 

For reporting, a CR is the initial phase for any new Aggie Enterprise report or existing report enhancement. The Aggie Enterprise Reporting team reviews ServiceNow tickets, and engages with users through office hours and the Reporting Workgroup to determine when a Change Request is needed.


The Aggie Enterprise Reporting team gathers functional requirements from stakeholders, identifying and documenting their needs. 

Examples of report requirements include:

  • Data fields: Identifying the specific data points that need to be included in the report. 
  • Report layout: Specifying how the data should be organized and presented. 
  • Filtering options: Defining parameters that users can use to customize the report view.

Functional requirements are then reviewed through a technical lens to determine potential impacts, data integrations and development considerations.

Change Request Review

Once requirements are documented, the Change Request moves to the review phase.

The Change Control Board reviews new CRs on a weekly basis, evaluating the feasibility of the request and the level of effort for development and implementation.

Approved Change Requests are reviewed on a monthly basis by the Reporting Workgroup and prioritized based on the most current user input and campus reporting requirements.


During the development phase, the Aggie Enterprise Reporting team takes user requirements and builds them into a functional report. Activities during the development phase include:

  • Setting Up the Data – Connecting to the right data sources to ensure the report pulls accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Building the Report Structure – Designing the layout and format of the report.
  • Writing Queries & Logic – Creating technical instructions (called queries) that pull the right data from the system and apply any necessary calculations, filters, or groupings.

To keep users informed, details about upcoming new or enhanced reports are published on the Reports In Development webpage.


Testing is an iterative process designed to identify issues or gaps, address them by returning to the development phase for updates, and then re-testing to confirm resolution. Due to the complexity of some reports, this process can take many months before a report is ready for release.

The testing phase includes:

  • System Testing - Technical validation ensures accuracy, performance, and integration with other systems.
  • User Testing – Functional users validate that the report meets business needs, provides accurate data, and is easy to use.


When a report has been thoroughly tested and the functionality has been confirmed, the report is released to users. In some cases, a report may be released to address an immediate need, with plans for additional enhancements in the future.

Users are notified about new reports through email newsletters and website updates to the Browse Available Reports webpage. 

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